
Chris Morgan

Chris Morgan is a Detroit-based culture writer who has somehow managed to justify getting his BA in Film Studies. He has written about sports and entertainment across various internet platforms for years and is also the author of three books about '90s television.


Movies, TV, Sitcoms, Indie Music, 90's Culture, Classic Films, NFL, NBA, NHL, Soccer

The 15 current Oscar-nominated films that have been seen the least

“Black Panther” getting a nomination for Best Picture at the Oscars certainly turned a lot of heads, not just because it’s the first comic book movie to get this honor, but also because it made a ton of cash. Basically everybody has seen “Black Panther.” That is not true of every movie that got an Oscar nomination, though.

Hooray for love!: A Valentine's Day indie music playlist

Valentine’s Day is for lovers, and what better way to celebrate love than with music? Whether you are in a relationship or nursing a crush, or even if you just love the concept of romance, we’ve put together a “Hooray for Love” playlist for your listening pleasure culled from the world of indie rock and indie pop.

Down with love!: A Valentine's Day indie music playlist

We’ve put together an indie music playlist we’ve titled “Down with Love!” It features songs of heartbreak and regret, with just a smattering of hope, because this year you may be feeling bitter, but who knows what the future holds.

The 25 best fictional coaches

What does every great fictional sports team need? A great fictional coach!

The NBA players who are the most fun to watch on League Pass

There are a few different reasons to get NBA League Pass. Perhaps you don’t live in the area of the team you root for and want a way to see them play...unless you’re a Cavaliers fan, since nobody wants to watch them about now.

The biggest NHL trade deadline deals from the last 20 years

What sports fan doesn’t enjoy a good trade deadline? It’s one last chance for a team to make a splash. While not every deal pushes somebody over the edge, a big deadline deal always raises eyebrows.

10 pop culture properties we want to see get the Lego treatment

It’s fun to see these characters we know and love reconfigured into the world of Lego bricks. So why stop here? Why not create Lego versions of all sorts of pop culture figures?

The 25 best winter sports movies

Not all of them are five-star classics, but they all can give you your sports fix.

The 25 most vile sports movie villains

Who doesn’t want to watch the likeable good guys take down some formidable, and often brutish, baddies?

How the best NHL players of all time fared in their final seasons

Every career ends. Some end better than others. Even the greatest NHL players of all time had a final season. Some went out on a high note, or at least a reasonably high note.

Ranking all the NHL alternate jerseys from the 2018-19 season

After a spell without them, third jerseys are back for the NHL! Now, that may cause fear to rise in your gullet. At least it will if you are old enough to remember that first wave of (largely hideous) third jerseys from the ‘90s.

NBA awards watch at the season's midway point

Here's a look at some of the major NBA awards and a few names to keep in mind for all of them.

Actors who should have an Oscar for acting

There are many actors who have yet to win an Oscar, which in some cases is genuinely surprising, and we personally hope that changes soon. Here are 52 actors still looking for their first Oscar for acting.

Catching up on the biggest stories of the NHL season

With the season about halfway over and with the calendar having turned to 2019, here’s a check in on some of the biggest questions that we had before the season began.

The top 25 Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers of all time

The Dodgers have spanned two coasts, but through the move from Brooklyn to Los Angeles they maintained their status as a celebrated baseball franchise.

The top 25 Chicago Bulls of all time

For years, the Celtics and Lakers were the two pre-eminent franchises in NBA history. They seemed to trade titles back and forth. Then the Chicago Bulls emerged, and a new iconic franchise was born.

The top 25 New England Patriots of all time

For many years, the New England Patriots wouldn't have been considered one of the model franchises of the NFL. Then the turn of the millennium happened.

The best Christmas Day games ever

Christmas is a time for presents, dinners with family, and, of course, sports. Hey, you can only spend so much time with your family, right? Over the years, there have been a lot of sporting events that have taken place on Christmas, especially in the NBA.

The top 25 Pittsburgh Steelers of all time

It feels fitting that a team called the Steelers, from Pittsburgh, would be one of the greatest franchises in the history of the rough-and-tumble, smashmouth NFL.

The top 25 Boston Celtics of all time

When you think of the NBA, the Boston Celtics are one of the first teams that will come to mind. They are one half of the greatest rivalry the sport has ever known, and they have been winning titles ever since the earliest days of the league.

The best athletes by sport in 2018

Few of us will ever know what it’s like to be the best in a given field. However, one thing is empirically true about every sport and sports league: Somebody is the best.

The best comeback athletes of 2018

Who doesn’t love a good comeback story? Whether it’s pop culture or sports, seeing somebody return to the limelight is usually a lot of fun. Here are some of our choices for comeback athletes of the year.

The highs and lows of a wild year at Marvel

When you talk about the pop culture landscape in a given year, a lot of the conversation centers around what happened in the world of Marvel, one of the monoliths of entertainment, even if it is technically something of a sub-monolith under the Disney umbrella.

The 10 indie darlings who healed our souls in 2018

Music can often be an antidote to troubled times. The year 2018 was, shall we say, complicated, and that’s putting it mildly. No artist or album could fix that, but it’s always nice to be able to spin a record or stream a song that puts you in a better mood.