
Jeremy Smith

Jeremy Smith is a freelance entertainment writer and the author of "George Clooney: Anatomy of an Actor". His second book, "When It Was Cool", is due out in 2021.


Woe to live on: Ang Lee's "Ride with the Devil" at 20

It’s a miracle “Ride with the Devil” exists at all...

The 25 greatest movies about journalism

On the 20th anniversary of perhaps the greatest film about journalism ever made, Michael Mann's "The Insider," let's take a stroll through the past and celebrate the best films about an underappreciated yet vital profession.

The biggest movie flops of the 2010s

At some point in the development of these 30 movies, there was hope. But at the end of the road, there was pain. Some of these films deserved to fail. Some did not.

Who got Best Picture right through the years: the Oscars or the Independent Spirit Awards?

Over the years, as Oscar voters have acclimated to low-budget moviemaking, the line has blurred a bit between the two organizations; more often than not, they're often voting on many of the same films. Which awards group has a better track record over the last 34 years? Let's take a look!

The most talked about movie moments of the 2010s

Let's try to emphasize the positive, but there's one particular sequence that was so special in its awfulness, it had to go on this list. See if you can guess which one it is.

The 50 best films of the 2010s

These 50 movies are the ones that helped us cope with or, at times, escape our confounding everyday lives.

The 25 most disturbing horror films ever made

Whether it's a moral reckoning or an examination of society's darkest corners, we occasionally rely on horror to reflect the elements we'd rather not confront or haven't even considered. Here are 25 films that, for better or worse, we'll never shake.

The 30 best horror film franchises

Horror is still one of the most reliable (and affordable) genres out there. Which series of films have most adeptly mixed artistry with business?

The best and worst "Pulp Fiction" knockoffs

Because everyone in Hollywood chases trends, there was a flood of "Pulp Fiction" knockoffs. Some were good. A few were great. Most were awful. Let's look back at some of the best and most ignominious.

"Pulp Fiction" at 25: The triumph of the movie brats

Two hit men clad in cheap black suits adorned with skinny black ties have arrived at a Southern California apartment building to off an unspecified group of people for an unspecified offense.

The 50 greatest Beatles songs

Though the band was only together for a little less than a decade, their catalog is arguably the most influential collection of popular music since the advent of rock 'n'roll.

The 25 greatest television pilots

Twenty-five years ago, NBC blindsided viewers with possibly the greatest pilot of all time in "ER." To celebrate this blessed broadcast anniversary, let's revisit some other shows that stuck the landing right out of the gate.

The greatest male bonding films of all time

Which films make men feel like crying in their beers? Get your hankies and your favorite brew handy...

What was the greatest year for movies?

Is 1939 just an easy point of reference, or is it really, truly The Greatest Year in Cinema History? This is just one man's opinion, but having pored over fairly complete lists of releases from the last eight decades, there might be one or two years that top ol' '39.

The stupidly short shelf life of 'American Beauty'

"American Beauty" never stood a chance. Not in the long term.

The signature film of 76 cities around the world

Which movies own these towns? Let's trot around the globe to 50 cities and attempt to determine which fictional films best exemplify their real-life setting.

The 25 most insufferable characters in film history

In this life, you'll meet all kinds of people. Some will be delightful, some will be infuriating and a precious few will check that box marked "insufferable." You know the type.

The 25 most insufferable movie families

They're the worst of the worst: contentious, smug, oblivious and sometimes criminal. Be grateful that you didn't grow up in these households.

Cruelty American style: "Casualties of War" 30 years later

For the majority of his early filmmaking career, Brian De Palma battled the perception that he was little more than an Alfred Hitchcock cover artist. Despite

Once more down the river: 'Apocalypse Now' turns 40

“Because it’s judgment that defeats us.” Colonel Kurtz spoke those words 40 years ago.

The 25 greatest director's cuts

There are numerous reasons why directors don't get it right the first time. Generally, it's a money issue, which is a time issue, which is filmmaking in a nutshell. But sometimes it's more complicated than that...

How James Cameron found himself at the bottom of "The Abyss"

By the time James Cameron’s “The Abyss” hit theaters on Aug. 9, 1989, a month later than initially intended, moviegoers were more aware of the film’s myriad production troubles than its actual story...

The 25 greatest ghost films

When it comes to spinning a good, ghostly yarn, the build's the thing. Setting, characterization, atmosphere...get your audience to hang on every word. Fire the imagination and then spring the trap. That's what the following filmmakers did in these exquisite tales of the paranormal. 

Stanley Kubrick's hard out with "Eyes Wide Shut"

Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” was already the most eagerly anticipated movie of whatever year it would eventually be released when it began principal photography in November of 1996.