Micah Parsons called out for violating cardinal rule of training camp
Dallas Cowboys linebacker Micah Parsons (11) Brad Mills-USA TODAY Sports

Micah Parsons called out for violating cardinal rule of training camp

Nobody has ever questioned the effort of Dallas Cowboys edge-rusher Micah Parsons.

But Parson’s full-throttle approach to training camp landed him in hot water recently with head coach Mike McCarthy after Parsons broke the No. 1 rule of practice: don’t hit the quarterback.

"In Micah's case, we have practice ethics, rules and structure to our drills," McCarthy told reporters on Thursday. "We go through these spots all the time: you don't hit the quarterback. The quarterback hasn't been hit in practice in my 30 years [as an NFL coach] that I can recall. That's all part of working together, having discipline in your rush lane, discipline in your pass-protection unit, and this is why you have camp. We have a tremendous amount of work to do in the area of technique and fundamentals. We've talked about that a number of times. That's all part of the practice ethic plan. [Parsons] is a No. 1 violator right now."

Parsons has been a nightmare for the Cowboys offense during training camp, routinely blowing up plays and getting into the backfield with ease.

However, he just hasn’t been able to stop himself from hitting QB Dak Prescott, who wears a red practice jersey to signal he’s not to be hit. Parsons has been warned multiple times to stop hitting the quarterback — something he’s said contradicts his very nature.

“If I can’t hit the quarterback and play my game, then I shouldn’t be playing,” Parsons said Wednesday during a radio interview with 96.7 The Ticket, via the Dallas Morning News. “I don’t think practice is for me. I need to work my moves. If I’m not working my moves, I’m not getting better so why should I practice almost?”

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