How to cancel YouTube TV in 2024
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How to cancel YouTube TV in 2024

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YouTube TV is one of the most popular live TV streaming services on the market. With one of the largest and most well-rounded channel lineups around, it attracts cord-cutters of all kinds. Whether you want live sports, a broad selection of news channels or loads of binge-worthy entertainment, YouTube TV probably has something for you. 

Nonetheless, it doesn’t fit everyone. Some viewers lament the lack of regional sports networks (RSNs), while others want more on-demand content or cheaper subscription options. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself needing to cancel a YouTube TV subscription. With no long-term contract, ending your YouTube TV subscription is relatively simple. Read on to learn how it works.

How to cancel a YouTube TV free trial

YouTube TV offers a generous free trial of up to two weeks, longer than most of its competitors in the live TV streaming space. This gives you plenty of time to try out the service before you spend any money on a subscription, and as long as you cancel before your trial period ends, you won’t be charged. Note that your free trial will end immediately upon cancellation.

How to cancel YouTube TV on a computer

Whether you cancel during the free trial or once your subscription officially begins, you can cancel your YouTube TV subscription anytime. If you’ve already paid for a subscription, you’ll still have access to your account until the end of the current billing cycle. 

To cancel your YouTube TV subscription from a computer:

  1. Go to tv.youtube.com in a web browser.
  2. Click on your profile photo in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to Settings and select Membership.
  4. Click Manage and then Cancel Membership.
  5. Click Cancel again.

How to cancel YouTube TV from your iOS device

The process for canceling YouTube TV from your iPhone or iPad is similar to canceling from your computer. You can’t cancel from the YouTube TV app — you’ll need to use your mobile browser for the following: 

  1. Go to tv.youtube.com in a mobile web browser.
  2. Tap on your profile photo.
  3. Tap Settings and then Membership.
  4. Tap Manage and then Cancel Membership.

How to cancel YouTube TV from your Android device

On an Android device, you can cancel your YouTube TV subscription from the app or using a mobile browser. Simply take the following steps:

  1. Open the YouTube TV app or visit tv.youtube.com in a mobile web browser.
  2. Tap on your profile photo.
  3. Tap Settings and then Membership.
  4. Tap Manage.
  5. Tap Cancel Membership and then Cancel.

How to pause your YouTube TV subscription

You can also pause your YouTube TV subscription for up to six months. This keeps all your saved recordings in your library and allows you to simply unpause your subscription rather than start an entirely new one when you’re ready to start watching again. 

To pause your YouTube TV subscription: 

  1. Open the YouTube TV app (on your Android device) or visit tv.youtube.com in a web browser on Android, iOS or a computer.
  2. Tap on your profile photo.
  3. Tap Settings and then Membership.
  4. Tap Manage, then Pause Membership.

You can restart your membership anytime within the six-month window. When you do, you’ll be charged the current monthly price and your new billing cycle will start that same day.


Does YouTube TV have a free trial?

Yes, YouTube TV offers a free trial of up to 14 days. You’ll get an offer when you begin the sign-up process, and it may be shorter (or nonexistent) if you’ve used YouTube TV in the past.

How much does YouTube TV cost?

YouTube TV starts at $72.99 a month. You can add additional channels and premium content for an extra monthly cost.

Does YouTube TV have customer support?

YouTube TV has an online help center with a wide range of articles and resources. You can also start a support ticket to be connected with a representative.

Luke Daugherty is a freelance writer, editor, and former operations manager based in St. Louis. His work covers business, marketing, and personal finance, as well as many of his personal passions, including coffee, music, and social issues.