
WWE is sending an NXT wrestler to compete for All Japan Pro Wrestling's Triple Crown Championship.

AJPW has been hyping that a mystery wrestler will challenge for the Triple Crown title at New Year Giant Series 2024 on January 3. In a social media video AJPW posted on Saturday, it was announced that the mystery challenger will be a wrestler from WWE NXT. The identity of the challenger was not revealed.

The video features AJPW President Tsuyoki Fukuda speaking on the phone with someone from WWE. Fukuda says AJPW wants a strong wrestler from NXT to challenge for the Triple Crown. 

Fukuda says: "You have good superstar for us? What? Submission assassin? Killer catch style? Great. Thank you. Thank you. My pleasure. Appreciate your support this time. Please say thanks to your boss in WWE."

The Triple Crown Championship is currently held by Katsuhiko Nakajima, but Nakajima is defending the title against Kento Miyahara at AJPW's December 31 event.

Nakajima won the Triple Crown Championship from Yuma Aoyagi this November.

New Year Giant Series 2024 is taking place from Korakuen Hall in Tokyo.

This article first appeared on F4WOnline.com and was syndicated with permission.

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