For the second time in just a few weeks, a reliable Marvel Studios’ insider has indicated that production on the studio’s fourth Spider-Man film–which will once again be made in collaboration with Sony– will get underway before the end of 2024. While that’s definitely an encouraging development for fans who have been waiting to find out when Tom Holland‘s Peter Parker will return to the screen, the rumored start date could point to some interesting possibilities for the film.

Following Jeff “The In” Sneider ‘s report that Spider-Man 4 was targeting a Fall 2024 start of production, insider Daniel RPK has seemingly confirmed that timeline. According to RPK, Sony and Marvel Studios have set a late September date for cameras to roll on the sequel.

When Will Spidey 4 Swing Into Theaters?

If production does indeed kick off in late 2024, it provides Sony with an opportunity to release Spider-Man 4 in 2025, something they have been reportedly hoping to achieve. Production on the previous three Spider-Man films have taken 3-4 months to complete; if the same timeline is followed in the fourth installment, principal photography should be complete by the end of January 2025. Could the film then be ready to hit theaters before the end of 2025?

The short answer is that it absolutely could be. Each of the last three MCU-set Spider-Man films hit theaters roughly eight months after they wrapped principal photography. Most recently, Spider-Man: No Way Home began production in October 2020, took a break for the holidays, resumed in January 2021 and concluded in late-March. No Way Home hit theaters in mid-December 2021.

Being ready for theaters is one thing; finding a release date in an already jam-packed 2025 is something else entirely. Sony Pictures, not Marvel Studios, sets the dates for the releases of their Spider-Man collaborations. As of now, Sony has an Untitled Marvel Movie set for June 27, 2025. Even by Sony’s sometimes bewildering standards, 3 months in post-production surely can’t be enough. However, just because Sony sets the dates does not mean Marvel Studios, who produces the collaborations, won’t work with their partner in finding a suitable release date. And to that end, an interesting coincidence may point to a target date for Spider-Man 4.

Only a Fool Would Charge into Battle with a Dull Blade

Much has been made of the struggles of Marvel Studios’ Blade in getting up and running. There’s no benefit to belaboring the point now, however, the Daywalkers struggles may ultimately benefit the Web-Slinger. Following Marvel Studios’ latest overhaul of its theatrical slate, Blade‘s release date was shuffled to November 7, 2025. With the film set to begin production late in 2024, that release date seems doable. However, during Disney’s recent CinemaCon panel, Marvel Studios One Above All, Kevin Feige, failed to provide an update on Blade despite including 2025 releases Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts and The Fantastic Four in his presentation. Could there be some Marvel/Sony symbiosis involved?

With Marvel Studios still working on the back end of its Multiverse Saga, including the fifth Avengers film which is currently still slated for a May 1, 2026 release, its easy to imagine Blade being pushed to their open February 13, 2026 date even without Spider-Man 4 being taken into consideration. However, if Sony is keen on getting Holland’s Webhead into theaters in 2025, Disney could work with them on doing so since it benefits their MCU as well. While Sony likely covets a mid-December release for Spidey 4, James Cameron‘s Avatar 3–a sure billion dollar box office take for Disney–is set for December 19, 2025. Cameron recently claimed that Avatar 3 was on track for that date and if that’s true, there’s no way Disney budges from that date. However, they might happily move Blade into 2026 leaving a big opening for Spider-Man 4 to hit theaters on November 7, 2025.

Marvel Team-Up: The Wallcrawler and The Man Without Fear

Since Charlie Cox returned to the role of Matt Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way, Home, fans have been looking forward to Daredevil and Spider-Man teaming up as they’ve done so frequently in the pages of Marvel Comics. In late 2023, rumors about the plot of Spider-Man 4 indicated that the film would give fans what they want, pairing the pals up to take on Vincent D’Onofrio‘s Mayor Fisk in a “street-level Civil War.” A recent update on the production status of Daredevil: Born Again may point to that indeed being in the cards.

After a lengthy delay in the production of Daredevil: Born Again which allowed Marvel Studios to retool the project, principal photography on the first nine episodes wrapped in early April 2024. With those episodes in the can, work on post-production to get the episodes ready for a 2025(?) release will take priority. With that work being done as well as continued work on the scripts for the next nine episodes, it was reported that the cast and crew won’t resume work on Daredevil: Born Again until November 2024. Isn’t that convenient…?

If  work on Spider-Man 4 begins in September and production on Daredevil: Born Again doesn’t resume until November, there is ample opportunity for Charlie Cox, Vincent D’Onofrio and anyone else from the cast of the streaming series to film scenes for Spidey 4. Like Hannibal Smith, Feige loves it when a plan comes together.

To be sure, this is a big game of dominos and we’ve not even seen the first one fall just yet; however, should things line up with the schedules of directors (one is not yet in place for Spider-Man 4, though an offer was reportedly extended to someone), actors and studio availability, everyone could come out of a s--- storm smelling like roses.

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