20th Century Fox via IMDb

The 20 most epic moments in fantasy movies

The past few decades have been remarkably fruitful for the fantasy genre, particularly regarding screen adaptations. The power of the moving image lies partly in its ability to render into visual form the sweeping, epic moments that have long been a key appeal of fantasy. These moments aim to lift the viewer out of themselves, allowing them a glimpse of the transcendent or the sublime. Whether it’s the charge of the forces of good against those of evil, the revelation of a group of witches, or a battle of wizards, the most epic scenes in fantasy movies reveal just why the genre is so enduringly popular.  

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The Twister in 'The Wizard of Oz'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

When it comes to fantasy films, The Wizard of Oz is arguably one of the greatest ever. Its story about a young Kansas girl who gets swept away to the magical land of Oz is timeless, largely thanks to Judy Garland’s beloved performance as Dorothy and the film’s technical wizardry. Who could ever forget the moment the twister sweeps up Dorothy? It’s one of those moments seared into the popular memory, matched only by the instant when Dorothy steps out into the Technicolor-hued land of Oz. 

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Wonka, Charlie, and Grandpa Joe break through the ceiling in 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'

Paramount Pictures via MovieStillsDB

While author Roald Dahl was open about his dislike of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factorythere’s no doubt that it remains a beloved children’s film. It contains many remarkable scenes, but the most epic is when Wonka, young Charlie, and Grandpa Joe crash through the factory ceiling and take to the skies. It’s the culmination of all of the strange magic of the film as a whole, anchored by the emotional moment in which Wonka reveals to Charlie that the entire factory will now be his. It’s a moment that combines big-screen spectacle and sentiment perfectly. 

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The Witches reveal themselves in 'The Witches'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

The works of Roald Dahl have been translated into film numerous times, but one of the most remarkable adaptations is The Witches directed by Nicolas Roeg. Though the protagonist of the film is a boy who works with his grandmother to try to defeat a group of witches, it’s the Witches themselves, led by Anjelica Huston, stealing the show. When they reveal their true selves, it’s an epic moment of genuine horror, neatly capturing the sense of disgust and terror that were such a key part of Dahl’s book. And, because this is Huston, the Grand High Witch is as entertaining as she is terrifying.

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The climactic speech in 'Barbie'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

Greta Gerwig’s Barbie  was one of the most successful films of 2023, and it was a skilled mix of fantasy, comedy, and feminist manifesto. Though Margot Robbie’s Barbie is the main character, one of the film’s most epic scenes actually belongs to America Ferrera’s Gloria, who gives a speech articulating all of the competing demands women face under patriarchy. It’s a powerful moment and one of the most remarkable articulations of feminist thought in popular cinema. Ferrera’s delivery sweeps the viewer up in the moment, doubling as a call to action to both the characters and those sitting in the audience. 

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The polar bear fight in 'The Golden Compass'

New Line Cinema via MovieStillsDB

Even though The Golden Compass wasn’t the financial success that its studio, New Line, had hoped for, it still had more than its fair share of epic moments. Based on the bestselling and beloved novel by Philip Pullman, it follows a young girl named Lyra Belacqua as she sets out on a journey to save her friend while evading the forces of the theocratic organization known as the Magisterium. Though there are many fantastic scenes in the film, arguably the most epic is the duel between two armored bears, Iorek Byrnison and Ragnar Sturlusson, to determine which of them will rule over their kind. It’s a triumph of CGI storytelling.

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Aragorn Bowing to the Hobbits in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'

New Line Cinema via IMDb

Many of the most epic moments in The Lord of the Rings are, of course, the battles, but arguably, the most epic moment occurs near the end, after Frodo has successfully destroyed the Ring. During Aragorn’s crowning, Frodo and the other hobbits begin to bow to the new monarch, but he assures them that, given their heroism, they “bow to no one,” after which he bows, followed by the gathered celebrants. It’s a moment of beauty and grace and wonder, and it is a reminder of just how much Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin have done since they left the Shire. Without their actions, there would be no free Middle-earth, and it is only fitting that they be recognized for the heroes that they are. 

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The raising of the Cauldron-Born in 'The Black Cauldron'

Walt Disney Pictures via MovieStillsDB

The Black Cauldron has long been a bit of a black sheep in the Disney canon due to its darker material and (sometimes) uneven storytelling. Even so, it has rightfully developed a cult following. There are some moments of genuine wonder, magic, and terror, particularly involving the sinister villain known as the Horned King. The scene in which he resurrects an entire army of dead soldiers is one that manages to be terrifying and awe-inspiring, even if it is sometimes edited awkwardly (due to some footage being removed before release). It’s one of those moments that suggests what Disney might have been had it gone in a different, darker direction.

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The freeing of the unicorns in 'The Last Unicorn'

Jensen Farley Pictures via MovieStillsDB

The Last Unicorn, based on the Peter S. Beagle novel of the same name, follows the title character as she attempts to discover what happened to the rest of her kind. As it turns out, the gloomy and morse King Haggard has imprisoned them in the sea. Ultimately, the unicorn is able to defeat Haggard’s terrifying servant, the Red Bull, and the unicorns are free from their captivity at last. It’s a rapturous moment in a film filled with moments of aching beauty and heartache. Though the unicorn has succeeded in returning her brethren to the world, her time spent in a human body has allowed her to experience that most devastatingly human of emotions: regret. 

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Snape killing Dumbledore in 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

In the world of fantasy, not all of the most epic moments are happy, and there are few moments as epic or tragic as the duel in the Astronomy Tower that leads to Dumbledore’s death at the hands of Severus Snape. It’s a moment even more shocking in its film version than in the book, largely because of the phenomenal acting talents of the late Alan Rickman and the late Michael Gambon. One can sense the heartache on both of their parts since, as it is later revealed, Dumbledore secretly ordered Snape to kill him to keep Draco from having to do so (and since he was dying in any case). It’s one of the best moments in the entire series. 

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The charge of the Rohirrim in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'

New Line Cinema via MovieStillsDB

Like Tolkien’s novel, Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings is filled with many epic moments, but few are as awe-inspiring as when the Rohirrim ride to the aid of the besieged city of Minas Tirith. It’s impossible not to feel swept up in the power of the moment as King Théoden gives a rousing speech to his men. Though the Riders know that they are most likely going to perish, there is honor and pride in doing so. When they charge into the forces of Mordor, slaying Orcs left and right, it stirs the viewer and reminds them of the power of fighting back against evil.

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The defeat of the Nazis in 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks'

Walt Disney Pictures via MovieStillsDB

Bedknobs and Broomsticks might be somewhat overshadowed by Mary Poppins, but it is filled with its fair share of magical scenes, and it skillfully blends its animated and live-action portions together. At the heart of the story is Angela Lansbury’s Eglantine Price, a witch-in-training tasked with taking care of a group of children during the Blitz. In the company of a charlatan named Emelius Brown, they have many adventures, culminating in the defeat of a group of Nazis who have tried to invade England. Through magic, Miss Price manages to bring various objects from the local museum to life–including suits of armor–and this phantom army drives the nefarious Germans back into the sea. It’s a rousing and exciting (and also sometimes disturbing) piece of Disney filmmaking.

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Merlin and Madam Mim and the Wizard’s duel in 'The Sword in the Stone'

Walt Disney Pictures via MovieStillsDB

While The Sword in the Stone is sometimes overlooked even by Disney fans, it has more than its fair share of epic fantasy moments. Arguably, the best moment in the movie is when the wizard Merlin engages in a duel with Madam Mim, each transforming into various creatures to defeat the other. It’s a magical animation, particularly since each animal still retains some key features of Merlin and Mim. In the end, Merlin manages to outwit her thanks to a clever bit of trickery, proving once and for all that brain really does win out over brawn.

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Maleficent turning into a dragon in 'Sleeping Beauty'

Walt Disney Pictures via MovieStillsDB

Sleeping Beauty is rightly seen as one of the best films ever produced by Disney. With its stylized animation and timeless story about a young princess cursed by the malicious sorceress Maleficent, it has all the makings of a fairytale classic. Though it contains many memorable scenes, the one that packs the biggest punch is the one in which Maleficent, enraged by Prince Philip’s efforts to save Princess Aurora, transforms into a powerful black and purple dragon. It’s a masterful moment of Disney animation, highlighting a studio at the height of its creative powers. Though Maleficent is ultimately slain by the dashing Phillip, it’s a close thing, and Maleficent remains one of Disney’s best villains. 

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Smaug attacking Lake-town in 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies'

New Line Cinema via MovieStillsDB

There are few magical creatures more terrifying than the dragon. These great beasts seem to tap into some primordial human fear, and few on-screen dragons have been as intimidating and visually stupendous as Smaug, who appears in Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy. His appearance in the third film, The Battle of the Five Armies is particularly memorable, as he rains fire and death down upon the poor people of Lake-town. Whatever the excesses and missteps of this particular trilogy, there’s no question that it features some top-notch visual effects, and Benedict Cumberbatch imbues Smaug with suitably grand and Shakespearean malice and charisma.

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Inigo gets revenge In 'The Princess Bride'

20th Century Fox via IMDb

Even after several decades, The Princess Bride remains a beloved fantasy classic. While the story might focus primarily on the romance between Buttercup and Westley, Mandy Patinkin’s Inigo Montoya steals the show every time he appears. Of particular note is the moment when he finally gets his revenge against Rugen, the man who killed his father. It’s a surprisingly emotional moment, and it marks the moment in which Inigo finally gets the vengeance he has so long sought. It is cathartic for anyone in the audience who has ever had a family member taken away by the nefarious actions of others.

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The Battle of Beruna in 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'

Walt Disney Pictures via MovieStillsDB

The early 2000s was a particularly rich period for fantasy filmmaking. In 2005, audiences were treated to the spectacle of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe a rousing and epic adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ classic novel.  Like all great fantasy movies, it culminates in a majestic battle scene, the Battle of Beruna, in which the forces led by the human Pevensie children face off against the army of the White Witch (played by the great Tilda Swinton). It’s a breathtaking piece of action filled with many magnificent set-pieces, and the Witch herself even rides in a chariot drawn by polar bears. 

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Dumbledore dueling Voldemort in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

Voldemort is one of the most fearsome villains in the history of fantasy, and though few can truly match him, there’s no doubt Dumbledore is one of those. Look no further than the duel in Order of the Phoenix to see why this would be the case, as it’s clear the older wizard is more than a match for Voldemort. Watching these two wizards duel nearly to the death is one of the most exhilarating moments in the entire film series, and it becomes clear just why it is that Dumbledore is the one wizard that Voldemort truly feared. 

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The Battle of Hogwarts in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II'

Warner Bros via MovieStillsDB

Like many other great fantasy film series, the Harry Potter saga ends with a climactic battle, as Harry and his allies finally confront Voldemort and his minions in the Battle of Hogwarts. It’s a sequence filled with all of the requisite parts of epic, from thrilling moments of magic to wrenching moments of pathos and tragedy. Ultimately, of course, good manages to triumph over evil, but the brilliance of this climax lies in its ability to show how such a victory must inevitably come with sacrifice, that being a hero is no shield against death. 

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The Battle of the Pelennor Fields in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'

New Line Cinema via MovieStillsDB

In Peter Jackson’s The Return of the Kingthe forces of Gondor come under relentless barrage by the forces of Mordor, led by the powerful Witch-king of Angmar. As with the Battle of Helm’s Deep in The Two Towers, this entire sequence is epic in every sense of the word, filled with tragedy, loss, and triumph. Aside from the sweeping battle sequences that see Orcs by their thousands and the Nazgûl on their winged monstrosities, there is, of course, the moment when Eowyn defeats the Witch-king of Angmar, revealing herself to be the fearsome heroine everyone knew her to be. It’s a moment etched into the history of epic cinema.  

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The Battle of Helm’s Deep in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers'

New Line Cinema via MovieStillsDB

Peter Jackson’s adaptations of JRR Tolkien’s classic The Lord of the Rings remain the gold standard of fantasy filmmaking. There are many thrilling moments in the trilogy, but arguably, one of the most truly epic is the Battle of Helm’s Deep, which sees the people of Rohan assaulted by the malevolent and seemingly overwhelming forces of Saruman. Many lives are lost, including that of the Elf Haldir, but there are also many deeds of valor, and the moment when Gandalf arrives with reinforcements to save the besieged men of Rohan — along with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas — is a powerful and triumphant moment of good winning over evil.

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